San Salvador – Terminal de Oriente

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Note to readers: parts of this page may now be out of date. There have been some changes to the terminals since we wrote this post. Please read the update below provided by a traveller and read the comments to see what others are saying. Some of the information on this page may be out of date if referring to the old terminal. Sorry and we will update next time we go through, but rely on your help for now 🙂


Important updates for Terminal Oriente

READ: One very helpful person named Tony has given some important updates about this Terminal. He writes:

Starting on 8/25/2018, the former Terminal de Oriente will only host bus routes headed to the northern departamentos, such as Chalatenango and Cabañas. Most routes headed to Oriente (East) will depart from a new terminal, located at Bulevar del Ejército, in the municipality of Soyapango.

The new terminal is called Plaza Nuevo Amanecer and it’s run by a corporation called SUTRANS. To reach the new terminal by bus, you can take the BTR, known as SITRAMSS (USD $0.33). More info here (resource only in Spanish):

SITRAMSS leaves from El Salvador del Mundo, with stops at Metrocentro, hospital Médico Quirurgico, Parque Infantil, Former Terminal de Oriente, and Plaza Mundo. From here on, the SITRAMSS is supposed to head towards the Terminal de Oriente. There are other routes to get there, but the new terminal is in a more dangerous area than the previous one, so SITRAMSS is a relatively safer option.

Update: buses that will use the NEW terminal:

Cabañas: 111, 112, 181, 507, 142 y 518

San Vicente: 110, 176, 116, 411, 499, 501 y 511

San Miguel: 301, 302, 308, 428 y 442

Usulutan: 302, 303, 309 y 311

La Union: 304, 306, 346 y 446

Morazan: 305

The buses to Chalatenango (e.g. 125) will continue to use the old terminal.


City bus to the Terminal de Oriente

From the San Benito area in San Salvador city, the 34-B will take you to Terminal de Oriente. San Benito is where the Tica Bus station and La Zona hostel are located. Bus 34-B passes a bus stop about 1 block away, check this city bus stop location here on Google Maps.

From the Ceiba de Guadeloupe take the 34-A.

Terminal de Occidente both the 34-A and 34-B pass by but you can also take the 7-C. The 7-C will drop you right in front of the Terminal and the others across the street.  All buses $0.20.

Note that these buses goes through one of the less desirable areas of San Salvador and the Terminal de Oriente is in a less desirable area too. Be aware, keep your phone and valuables in your bag and don’t arrive or leave as it’s getting dark.


Terminal de Oriente to Suchitoto

Ruta 129 – Suchitoto. This bus doesn’t pull into the actual station, instead it passes on the main highway outside of the station and it is coming from the Punta de Microbuses 140 in the centre – here is where it is in Google Maps. As for the bus, you have two options. You can either take the 129 full size bus with a/c for $1,  or the 140 microbus $0.90. Very important: there are several 140 microbuses that pass here so be sure you get on the one labeled Suchitoto. I am told some of the other routes go to some less safe areas. Both buses take about the same time.


Update from a traveller:  The 129 and 140 to Suchitoto now pass by the main road outside the new terminal.


Suchitoto to Terminal de Oriente

When in Suchitoto you can grab either the 129 full size bus with a/c for $1,  or the 140 microbus $0.90 (~1hr). All buses pass in front of the Mercado Municipal. Check the Suchitoto page for more info. Very Important Info: on the return trip this bus passes close but not right at the Terminal de Oriente. You are likely to be let off in the same spot I was and I am not sure I recommend it. Essentially you left at a little side street that leads to a staircase that cuts up to the station and through a back road. This little back road has a high military presence and probably for good reason. Remember, the area around the Terminal de Oriente is not a good one, and my guess is a little back alley like this is low on the safety list. So what to do instead? Stay on the bus until the last stop and grab a really cheap taxi to the terminal.


Suchitoto to San Miguel

**moved to a new terminal – see note above about important information. 

From San Miguel to San Salvador there are two options: 1) regular bus for $1,  or 2) Super Especial for $5. The regular bus, also called the Directo, leaves about every 15 minutes and takes about 2.5hrs and starts around 3am until 5pm. The Super Especial takes about 2hrs and leaves less frequently – the current schedule (2017) is 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 11am, 12:20pm, 1:40pm and 3pm (see photo of ticket below).


Suchitoto to Usulután

**moved to a new terminal – see note above about important information. 

There is only one bus a day, at 6am to Usulután from this terminal.  This bus (302) also leaves the from the Terminal del Sur many times per day. You can get either a directo bus ($1, 2.5+hrs ) or a super especial ($3, ~2hrs).


Help your fellow traveller

If you have taken any of the buses on this page, please drop us a comment below about how the trip went, what time you left, how long it took and what it cost. And, definitely let us know if we have anything wrong.

Lets help each other in our travels!


Add your comments in an update below
Check the comments from other travellers for updates
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We do note 100% guarantee accurate information. In general the majority of buses operate between just before sunrise until sunset. Times are listed when we have them, but remember, you are in El Salvador and even the locals say the schedules are 'loco' sometimes. Always plan enough time in your day for travel and plan to be at your destination before the sun sets. Avoid arriving when it's getting dark. Short distance buses will cost between $0.25 and $1.50 and longer distance buses $1.50-$3.00. Some routes offer more than one class of travel: regular class and especial which often has a/c and makes fewer stops but cost a little more. Also, know that you and only you are responsible for your own health and safety in your travels and the choices you make. Travel safe and travel smart - and have fun!




Main Entrance
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

The street out front the main entrance
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

Bathrooms are inside if you need them
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

Inside the station
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

Inside the station
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

Inside the station
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

Inside the station
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

Inside the station
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

Inside the station
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

Inside the station
Photo taken: March 16, 2016

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22 travel tips for San Salvador – Terminal de Oriente - share your tips below!

  1. Ellie

    November 2019

    Our bus from Santa Ana dropped us into Terminal Occidente (west terminal), we were told by a few taxi drivers that buses to Suchitoto didn’t go from Terminal de Oriente however we decided to try as all the information online suggests it still did. We got the number 27 $0.35 per person (Outside of Terminal Occidente, on the other side of the street from the terminal entrance). The journey took about 20 minutes to get to Terminal de Oriente, once there we got the 129 to Suchitoto, note there is no terminal building where you catch the bus from, you catch the bus from outside the petrol/gas station – you can wait on a central island just outside for the best view of buses the journey is $1per person

    • Elaine

      It doesn’t go from terminal Oriente, it goes from the new terminal on the east side.

  2. Nicole

    The 129 and 140 to Suchitoto now pass by the main road outside the new terminal. Our taxi driver told us no buses depart from the old terminal anymore. (Not sure if this is definitely the case or not as we didn’t go and find out.)

  3. Tony

    Starting on 8/25/2018, the former Terminal de Oriente will only host bus routes headed to the northern departamentos, such as Chalatenango and Cabañas. Most routes headed to Oriente (East) will depart from a new terminal, located at Bulevar del Ejército, in the municipality of Soyapango.

    The new terminal is called Plaza Nuevo Amanecer and it’s run by a corporation called SUTRANS. To reach the new terminal by bus, you can take the BTR, known as SITRAMSS (USD $0.33). More info here (resource only in Spanish):

    SITRAMSS leaves from El Salvador del Mundo, with stops at Metrocentro, hospital Médico Quirurgico, Parque Infantil, Former Terminal de Oriente, and Plaza Mundo. From here on, the SITRAMSS is supposed to head towards the Terminal de Oriente. There are other routes to get there, but the new terminal is in a more dangerous area than the previous one, so SITRAMSS is a relatively safer option.

    • Tony

      Update: buses that will use the new terminal:

      Cabañas: 111, 112, 181, 507, 142 y 518

      San Vicente: 110, 176, 116, 411, 499, 501 y 511

      San Miguel: 301, 302, 308, 428 y 442

      Usulutan: 302, 303, 309 y 311

      La Union: 304, 306, 346 y 446

      Morazan: 305

      The buses to Chalatenango (e.g. 125) will continue to use the old terminal.

      • centrocoasting

        Thank you so much, Tony! This information is so extremely helpful to everyone. I have made some adjustments above, but let me know if there is anything else wrong.

  4. Cender Nataren

    buenas noches, necesito informacion para ver si nos pueden hacer una excursion a Guatemala, Xocomil Xetulul, desde San Salvador, Mejicanos, 3 y 4 de agosto ( 2 dias) entiendo que sus buses tienen baño incorporado.
    necesitaremos 2 unidades.
    quedo a la espera de sus comentarios.

    • centrocoasting

      hola no somos una agencia, solo viajeros, por este informacion recomiendo contactando las empressas: Platinum o Ticabus

  5. Gerry E.

    I’ve used the Oriente terminal several times now. Route 116 to San Vicente is a busy service. I’ve taken both the “DIRECTO” and the regular bus service. For me it’s worth the extra 60 cents to take the directo. First bus leaves from San Salvador at 6am. The last at 5:40 pm. The buses in the mid day are the least busy. Heading from San Vicente to San Salvador the buses start at 4:30 am and run until 4:15 pm. Again , mid day buses are best. Save your ticket when you get in. All the times they run are on the back. Try not to take the regular bus. It takes much longer, and goes through some of the gang-ridden areas. ENJOY!!

    • centrocoasting

      Thanks for the tips, Gerry! Helpful information.

  6. Malcolm Collins

    I am the owner of Hostal Cumbres del Volcán. We have two locations in San Salvador, one in Colonia Escalon 1 block below the Hotel Crowne Plaza and the other in Colonia Flor Blanca across the street from Gimnasio Nacional Jose Adolfo Pineda. I have a lot on information on city buses for San Salvador, with an orientation from each of our locations. Your information for the inter-city buses is the best on the internet. But information on city buses is very hard to find. I have spent several years trying to learn the routes, and am still not quite there. Our Flor Blanca location is new, and I know the buses from Escalon much better as that has been open for 7 years (Flor Blanca less than 1 year). I have a Guide that I wrote (in English) for our guests that has a lot of bus information. I can send you a .PDF file if you give me an email address. I also may soon post it (when I can figure out how) on our new web site: We are also on Facebook as Hostal Cumbres del Volcan. Our email is The more and the better information for tourists the better. You guys are doing a really great job and performing a much needed service. I would love to help. Malcolm Collins

    • centrocoasting

      Thanks so much, Malcolm! I sent you an email. City buses are a great thing to have more information about.

  7. Douglas

    Señores hay mucha fotos pero lamentablemente no hay un numero de teléfono donde poder pedir información sobre los horarios de las rutas.

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