No more confusing bus travel

Finding accurate information about bus stations and bus schedules in Central America can be difficult. Centrocoasting has the most accurate and up-to-date information for bus travel in Central America. We have personally ridden every bus and snapped photos for you along the way. There is a ton of information for El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, with Panama coming soon. Next year we will bring you more countries too!

Help your fellow traveller!

We here at Centrocoasting are just like you: travellers who love the adventure of local buses. This Guide is based on personal experience, but things change and we don’t have every detail and schedule, yet! Nothing in this site is guaranteed. We have tried our best to be a helpful source of info by adding and fixing times and prices when we find changes and updates.  But, this is where you come in – help us help you and your fellow travellers by sharing your experience and adding bus schedule, route and price information. We get submissions all of the time from travellers just like you, so join the fun and leave us your travel tips and info updates in the comments on each station page. Thank you!


**Help us add information for Guatemala and Honduras**


Let us help you have the best vacation possible



Travel safe and travel smart! You are responsible for your own safety. Read more