If you are headed to Playa Panama, Playa Flamingo, Playa Tamarindo or Santa Cruz from San José then the Terminal Tralapa is one of your bus travel options for the Guanacaste region. Have a look at the images below to see a recent photo of the schedule and what the inside of the station looks like.
Trip Planning
If you are still planning for your upcoming trip, I am told this Trip Planner from Gecko Trail is quite useful to help you prioritize where you want to spend your time! Gecko Trail is a ICT certified Travel Agency that has great core values and gives back to the community. So much to see and do in this beautiful country!
San Jose to Flamingo (through Brasilito)
The bus to Brasilito and Flamingo leaves at 8am, 10:30am and 3pm. Price is ~ ¢5800
You could also take this bus if you are going to Tamarindo and get off near Huacas and then get a taxi from there the rest of the way. Ask the bus driver before you get on if he will let you off near Tamarindo.
San Jose to Tamarindo
There are only 2 buses leaving at 7am and 4pm and costs. Price as of February 2018 is 5500¢. For directions going the other way, check the Tamarindo page.
You can also take the buses going to Playa Flamingo and get off near Huacas and then take a taxi the rest of the way. Ask the bus driver before you get on if he will let you off near Tamarindo.
There is also service to Tamarindo at 11:30am and 3:30pm, with another company named Empresa Alfaro. These buses depart from the Terminal 7-10, which only about a half a block away. This company also makes several trips a day to Santa Cruz. Have a look at 7-10 page to see a recent photo of the schedule.
If you want to get to know the area around Tamarindo in a more intimate setting, check out the Mangrove and Estuary boat tour for close up views of wildlife and local surrounding wetlands.
San Jose to Santa Cruz
This bus has service at 7am, 9am, 10:30am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm and costs ~ 4600¢
If you are trying to go to Liberia or Playa del Coco then your best option is to go to the Pulmitan station, which is just a few blocks away. There are regular buses leaving all day long from here to Liberia and there is direct service to Playa del Coco at 8am, 2pm, and 4pm.
Hola buenas los bises que van para Santa Cruz pasan x la entrada que va hacia San Ramón??
Hi. Can I only buy my ticket at the station? I need to catch either the 8am or 10.30am on Sunday 7th January. Also I keep hearing that buses leave earlier than their scheduled time. When would you recommend to arrive?
Hi Abi! At this time you can only buy the ticket at the station. If you need to be sure you are on the bus then I always recommend arriving 1hr early. It’s often way too early, but there is always a small chance that things are busy and you’ll be glad you arrived so far in advance! This has always been my own personal rule in the past when I want to be sure I get a ticket. Alternatively, you could go the day before and get your ticket in advance.
Nesecito viajar de san jose a Guanacaste a la 1:30 AM tienen ustedes buses a esa hora
Solo, tenemos la informacion ariba. Hay addicional buses del terminal 7-10 por Guanacaste https://centrocoasting.com/costarica/san-jose-7-10/ No somos una agencia, somos viajeros que quiero ayuda.
Is that schedule correct? We are in Tamarindo and need to get to San Jose on Saturday. Locals keep telling us there is a bus at 7am leaving tamarindo. Please help
Hi Martina, have a look at the Tamarindo page. There are two companies that go from Tamarindo to San Jose. https://centrocoasting.com/costarica/tamarindo/ The information is correct as of May this year. BUT Tamarindo is one of the places in Costa Rica where schedules change more than other places. We do an update as often as we can get to Tamarindo to check. As of May 2017 the Tralapa bus goes at 7:30am (maybe now 7am if the locals are telling you) and the Alfaro bus goes at 5:30am. I would call both bus companies and confirm the times, or another couple of locals. They are the best resource usually. OR, if you are in Tamarindo you could wait for one of the buses to pass and ask the driver directly. We would be grateful if you could give us an update when you take the bus! You will see on the Tamarindo page that a traveller took the 7:30am bus and the time was correct. Help us help your fellow travellers! 🙂
Can I book a ticket early in advance?
Hi Kate, I don’t know of any online or pre-booking system with Tralapa. It is low season so there are fewer travellers heading out of San José, but if you are concerned about getting a seat then I would suggest to be there maybe 1hr early or go the day before to buy your ticket.
Thank you. Have a nice day!!
In that schedule picture, there is a bus from Flamingo 8:30 am to San Jose. Right? Can you tell me where the Flamingo bus stop is? I want to go to San Jose.
Hi JJ, all I know about the bus from Flamingo to San José is that the schedule posted above is the one at the Tralapa station in San José. I took the photo last month so it should be correct. Flamingo is one place we haven’t been to specifically, but I am sure if you ask your hotel owner or anyone else for “la parada por San José” they will be able to tell you. It would be great if you could follow up here with the bus stop locations to help the next traveller!
You can find Terminal Brasilito on maps.me!
Bus to San Jose
2:45am / 8:30am / 3pm
Terminal Brasilito Phone number 26545058
Working hour 8am-12pm / 1pm-5pm (mon~sun)
Thanks JJ! I will get this info added to the site.
Which buses passes the nearest to Playa conchal ?
Hi Pat, the bus heading to Playa Flamingo should get you very close. I have not taken this bus but it appears to pass right by on its way to Playa Flamingo . There is a stop called the Parada de Buses Conchal as well as a stop right near the ocean in Brasilito. My guess is that you would get off at either with a short walk to the beach. Let us know how it goes. Thanks!
thank you, thats what i had plan to do 🙂
Como puedo reservar un campo para mañana a las 7 am a Tamarindo
Lo siento, este sitio no es affilado con el estacion. Si tu quieres reservar, necesitas hacerlo en el estacion.