San José to Puerto Jiménez
To get to Puerto Jiménez from San José you will take a bus with Transportes Blanco Lobo which provides service to the Oso Peninsula. These buses leave the Terminal MEPE. The bus leaves from here twice per day at 8am and 12pm and costs ¢7600 and takes 8hrs. We are told that some of the buses have a/c but usually only the one at 8am.
Retourning to San José from Puerto Jiménez there are two buses daily, one at 5am and one at 11am. (times to be confirmed soon).
Help your fellow traveller
If you have taken any of the buses on this page, please drop us a comment below about how the trip went, what time you left, how long it took and what it cost. And, definitely let us know if we have anything wrong.
Lets help each other in our travels!
Currently the bus from Puerto Jimenez to San Jose only runs at 5am!
and return there is also only one bus per day – not sure about the time
Hi Lukas, do you know what bus company runs the routes?
Does anyone know if the bus ticket booth is open Sundays? (Planning on busing on a Monday)
Is it possible to get to drake bay from Puerto Jimenez? If so how and how long does it take?
Ticket prices are now 8200 Colones from Puerto Viejo to San José (and vice versa).
Hey! did you mean Puerto Viejo or Puerto Jimenez?
It’s true! Buses from Puerto Jiménez to San Jose are leaving now at 5am, 9am and 1pm. It takes 5 hours to get to San Isidro so you can change there and to the bus at 4pm to Uvita 😊
What do you mean by San Isidro and Uvita? Do we have to take several buses or are there stops?
Thank you!
Currently (March 2019) buses Pto Jimenez – San Jose leave at 5am and 9am. San Jose – Pto Jimenez 8:00 and 12:00.