Jacó to Playa Hermosa
To get to Playa Hermosa you need to get on the bus in Jacó and head towards Quepos for about 5 minutes. Ding the bell and get let off on the highway – it is only a short walk in.
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Santa Teresa to Playa hermosa Bus at 6am (arrived at 6.30) to cobano price:C1000 Cobano to Paquera (the bus is waiting for the passengers) price C1400 I arrived at 8.15am and took the ferry at 9am price C810 From Paquera to the bus station you can take a taxi price no more than C1500!!!! It is easy to find people to share it with you Took the bus which goes to Quepos price C1400 and you can ask the driver to stop you at Playa hermosa instead of Jaco for C200 more. I arrived at 1pm