Boquete to David
One great traveller shared a schedule for buses to David. Can you add more photos and schedules for this stop? Share your travel knowledge for Boquete!
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The bus from
boquete to David leaves every 30 mins. It’s $1.75 and it leaves from here Bus stop for David …. Arriving at the main terminal in David with buses going everywhere including Panama City… Terminal de
Autobuses David
If you want to get here from the border of Costa Rica (Sixaola), it’s possible, but takes a long time.
In Panama with your back towards the border go to the right street (pass all the annoying shuttle drivers under the small bridge), where 2 big supermarkets are. Wait at the parking spot.
Catch the bus there to Changuinola and ask for the driver to stop at ‘Uraka’.
This is a small terminal with collectivos to David.
From there it takes around 4,5 hours to get to David and costs around 7 dollars
In David you get dropped off at the main station.
It’s easy from there to find the bus to Boquete, this takes around 1,5 hours.