
First and foremost, this site is a personal experience blog made available to you to use in whatever way you choose. I am not responsible to you, the user of this site, or anyone using this site for travel information for any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense suffered in connection with the use of this site or any content or services or advice shared on this site. The site is provided for your use “as is”. The information is general and may not suit your particular travel needs. This site is a personal blog that shares my personal experience when using buses in Central America. Your travel experience may be different than mine as is what happens in personal experience.  It is your responsibility to travel in a safe and smart way to ensure your own personal safety. It is also your responsibility to clarify critical information that may be pertinent to your trip, like visas or health and safety information for areas you intend to travel to or through.


I make no warranties or representations about the site or its content and exclude to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise from the use of this site and information. I will never be liable for any indirect or incidental, special or consequential loss of profits or revenue or personal injury arising out of the use of this website.


This website is not connected to any bus company or any business operating in Central America.


I will do my best to keep information accurate and up to date within my personal financial and time constraints. I can not however guarantee that all information and content will be accurate 100% at all times. Bus routes and schedule change often.